Saturday, October 29, 2011

Lindsey Couch: Senior 2012

Least stressful shoot I've been on. She was so sweet & willing. This was our first time using the attachable softbox for my flash and it worked wonders.

Monday, October 24, 2011


I have 3 shoots I'm working on editing so be expecting a photo post soon! :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Bethany Miller: Senior 2012

I feel like almost all I do anymore is senior photos hahah. I like to do them but it gets tiring doing what they want all the time. I think we got some good results with Bethany here! :)

I have another senior session Friday. 
I'm in the process of editing some photos of shoots I did of my two friends. :)
I'd like any feedback you all could give me.

 This tree was soooo crazy, it had so many branches hanging in the weirdest ways. It was like Alice in Wonderland.

 She found an inch worm! It was crazy how comfortable she was with bugs hahah.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Kaylee Martin: Senior 2012

Kaylee has such a model body & pretty face. She was easy/fun to shoot. Her bestfriend tagged along and primped her up before each set of photos. It was sweet hahah.
I've had a lot of clientele shoots lately... still working on editing those. More blog posts up soon....not sure if anyone even looks at these but owell.